Clubs are back
Our Clubs are back
Never joined in a yarn subscription club before? Let me explain a little about our clubs and tell you why they're the perfect gift! For over 4 years we ran our fun and exciting Yarn Subscription clubs, and they proved to be extremely popular with a lot of people.
What is a Yarn Club?
For those of you who've never taken part in a yarn club before, let me give you the basics. We offer a single month, 6 month or 12 month Subscription, and with each instalment you get a surprise package, containing yarn. A single month gets you just 1 parcel, 6 months gets you 3 parcels and 12 months gets you 6 parcels.
It's like a surprise gift with each instalment, only you already know it's going to be yarn. If you have a knitting friend in your life that you simply don't know what to buy for, a club subscription is the ideal gift, a carefully wrapped parcel of yarn, dyed to a theme, will be delivered with each instalment.
We run 2 clubs currently, Nerd Sock Club and Striping Sock Club (formally named Gobstopper Club). With our Nerd Sock club, parcels are shipped alternate months, and you will get a Skien of sock yarn, a complimentary mini skein for heels, toes or cuffs and a small pin badge supporting that months theme.
So Why Nerd Sock Club? Simply put, I am a big Nerd, I love sci-fi, fantasy, computer games and anything 'nerdy' ... A purely self-indulgent club on my part as I get to dye themes that I love. Previous themes have been based on tv shows, film franchises, childhood favourite tv shows/movies and console games ... our Nerd Sock Club is the perfect way to 'geek out with your knit out'.
Previously we only included yarn, but moving forward the Nerd Clubs will also include an exclusive pattern for each theme, designed to showcase the yarn perfectly.

The Striped Sock Club, has always been super popular. The more time consuming of our clubs, but so wroth the effort, each instalment of this club gives you a perfectly striping sock yarn, with 4 colours that will stripe perfectly between 40-80sts on 2-3mm needles, again including an accent yarn for the heels/toes this club is perfect for self-striped yarn lovers everywhere.
While the overall club doesn't adhere to a specific theme, except to be striped, each instalment does have a theme suited to that time of year, perfect for when you need to knit summer-socks, holiday socks, or just 'me' socks that stripe from cuff to toe.
Check out more info and pricing on our Nerd Sock Club here, and our Striped Sock Club here. Sign up for yourself or sign up a friend for their holiday gift this year.
Nerd Sock Clubs begin shipping again end of Janaury 2023, and Striped Sock Clubs will begin end of February 2023.